Timber Rattlesnake Radio-telemetry
During the 2008 and 2009 field seasons, a study on timber rattlesnakes was conducted in the central part of Connecticut. The purpose of this study was to identify seasonal habitat use of timber rattlesnakes and identify female denning, basking and birthing areas as they moved throughout their natural home-ranges. Captured rattlesnakes were fitted with radio-transmitters and monitored via radio-telemetry. This study proved valuable in growing our knowledge and undersanding of the timber rattlesnake and how to better manage and conserve future generations of these snakes within central Connecticut.

Dr. Nick Sitinas VMD, Dipl. ABVP, Medical Director at South Wilton Veterinary Group surgically implanting a radio-transmitter in one the project's study snakes.

X-ray of timber rattlesnake showing the placement of an implanted radio-transmitter. Also visible are two PIT-tags, which serve to permanently identify this snake.

Rattlesnake being released after transmitter implantation.

Neonate rattlesnakes birthed by one of the females radio-tracked during the study.